How to find train PNR Tickets Live Track Trainn status in SMartphone

                             Find Train PNR Status And Train Tickets on Smartphone

 Easy way to get train status and tickets in India.
Now so many people's are using Android smartphones technology has improved lot recently in India has launched new app for railways system know the train status and tickets will train is running with station all the live updates you can see on your smartphone but you need to download one app it name is where is train?

How to download app and process
In your smartphone open Play store find the app "where is train" app and installed.
Open the app choose categories like train spot,PNR, seats.
->When you choose the "spot" category you can find the live track on the train and which station train will be reached.

->When you chooses "PNR" you can enter code PNR code click on find status it will be also going to display status of the train.

->When you chooses "seats" if you can select the seats option they will shows the empty and full seats.

By using this app you can find all train timings, Tickets etc this app now available at Google Play Store

                                     Download Where is Train App

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