How to get all the government health services information in Andhra Pradesh

 Government health services information in Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh government has released new app for all health related schemes,In this app you can choose the best hospital,check health card status,check treatment conduction, schemes rules etc.

NTRVS Government health services information in Andhra Pradesh

How to use NRTVS health app?

In Google play store you can download and install the app.

Open the app choose the Schemes,District, Specially then press the search Hospital button it will be going to display few hospital in that you can select any one hospital.
NTRVS Government health services information in Andhra Pradesh

NTRVS Government health services information in Andhra Pradesh

You can also check your health cards status and hospital facility, blood bank etc.
NTRVS Government health services information in Andhra Pradesh

It's is best app for all ESI and government employees it will be going to useful.
NTRVS Government health services information in Andhra Pradesh

This app now available at Google play store without any cost you can get freely download.

                                           App Link :-

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